Panafrican News Agency

Tripoli hosts meeting on rules of procedure of Arab Institute for Peace and Peace Journalism

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - At its 54th regular session held in the Bahraini capital, Manama, the Council of Arab Ministers of Information adopted the rules of procedure of the Arab Institute for Peace and Peace Journalism.

The Libyan Minister of State for Communication and Political Affairs in the Government of National Unity, Walid Ellafi, thanked the Member States for the steps taken to establish and approve the rules of procedure and organizational structures of the Institute as the first international institution under the League of Arab States to have Tripoli as its permanent headquarters.

He called for further steps to be taken to launch this body of Arab knowledge, said a statement published on Wednesday on the "Hakomitna" platform.

According to the same source, Mr. Ellafi stressed the responsibility of the Arab media through various digital, media and audio interfaces regarding the massacres against "our brothers in Gaza", insisting on Libya's support for Arab initiatives aimed at putting an end to aggression and denouncing the crimes of the occupation.

Libya's Minister of State for Communications and Political Affairs has invited Arab information ministers to take part in the festivities of the third edition of the Tripoli Media Days scheduled for the end of December, in parallel with Libya's celebrations of the 73rd anniversary of its independence.

-0- PANA BY/IS/BBA/RA 29May2024