Panafrican News Agency

Zambia: Ex-president’s son faces additional charges

Lusaka, Zambia (PANA) – Andrew Banda, the son of Zambia’s former President Rupiah Banda, who was last week convicted and sentenced to two years imprisonment for corruption, is facing additional charges for theft amounting to more than K1 million. (US$ = K560).

According to Police spokesperson, Charity Chanda, Andrew has been warned and cautioned for theft for allegedly receiving cement worth K1,077,799,100 from the Zambezi Portland Cement Limited, pretending that he had paid for it through the provision of consultancy services when in fact he has not.

The incident is said to have happened between August 2010 and December 2011.

Andrew was Tuesday released from prison on bail, pending his appeal after he was sentenced to two years last week for soliciting and receiving gratification to facilitate the award of road projects to Fratelli Locci, an Italian road contractor, during the period his father was president.
-0- PANA MM/VAO 19Feb2014