Panafrican News Agency

Senegal: Rights groups hail arrest of Ugandan Militia leader

Dakar, Senegal (PANA) - Ugandan militia leader Dominic Ongwen’s transfer to the International Criminal Court (ICC) is a welcome development that gives victims of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) an opportunity to see justice done, the Coalition for the ICC said Saturday.

In a statement, obtained here by PANA, the coalition which is a global network of civil society organizations in over 150 countries working in partnership to strengthen international cooperation with the ICC, hailed Ongwen’s arrest.

Ongwen, an alleged LRA brigade commander, is accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes allegedly committed in northern Uganda in 2004.

“Seeing Ongwen at the ICC gives hope that the authors of some of the worst atrocities in recent memory will at last be held accountable,” said Stephen Lamony, senior adviser for AU, UN and Africa situations for the Coalition for the ICC. “After waiting 10 years, victims of the LRA will now have a shot at justice.”

The militia leader was reportedly taken into custody by United States (US) military stationed in the Central African Republic (CAR) last week.

According to the statement, following talks between the US, CAR and Uganda, Ongwen was then transferred into the custody of the Ugandan contingent of the African Union Anti-LRA Task Force and was then transferred to the ICC.

"Ugandan civil society welcomes the transfer of Dominic Ongwen to ICC. The significance of handing over Ongwen to the ICC cannot be over emphasized,” remarked Mohammed Ndifuna, chief executive officer of Human Rights Network-Uganda, which hosts the Ugandan Coalition for the ICC.

“Firstly, it will enable this case that has stalled to begin in earnest and for the victims of the crimes allegedly committed by him to receive justice. Secondly, it sends a signal to all that there will be no room for impunity with respect to international crimes.

"Thirdly, it is a good testament that state parties to the Rome Statute and the members of the international community are supportive of the ICC and that their strength can ultimately deliver the badly needed results.”

Meanwhile, the coalition revealed that upon arrival in the Netherlands, Ongwen will be transferred by the Dutch authorities to the ICC’s detention facility in The Hague, where he will be medically assessed.

As soon as possible he will appear before ICC judges during an 'initial appearance' hearing during which ICC judges will verify the identity of the suspect and the language in which he is able to follow the proceedings, as well as informing Ongwen of the charges against him.

Prior to and during this initial appearance, Ongwen will be given full access to a defence lawyer. The judges are also likely to set a schedule or date for the confirmation of charges hearing, which will determine whether Ongwen will face trial, taking into account his right to be tried with undue delay.

“Justice will not truly be done in this case if the victims and affected communities far away from The Hague are unable to see it done,” said Lamony. “The Court must make sure that the Uganda people are kept informed about its proceedings against Ongwen.”

It could be recalled that Uganda referred its conflict with the LRA to the ICC in December 2003 and the prosecutor opened a full investigation into the situation in July 2004. Then a sealed arrest warrant was issued for Ongwen in 2005.
-0- PANA MLJ/VAO 17Jan2015