Panafrican News Agency

Regional Conference on Women's Electoral Participation ends

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Regional Conference "Strengthening Women's Electoral Participation - Mechanisms and Solutions", has ended with a number of recommendations, including the development of national policies, strategic plans and joint programmes to raise the level of women's participation in elections.

Abdelhakim al-Chaab, a member of the Board of Directors of the Libyan National Electoral Commission, welcomed the high level of participation and the results of the conference.

He stressed the importance of disseminating the electoral culture and establishing communication mechanisms and activating programmes to support women and youth in the upcoming elections.

For his part, the Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Marc-Andre Franche, thanked and commended the Commission and all the participants for the success of the conference and the efforts made to support women's participation and the democratic path in Libya, leading to stability and peace.

The UN Women Programme Officer in Libya and Tunisia, Isadora de Moura, congratulated the Commission on the success of the conference and reaffirmed the Commission's support for all activities that would raise the level of women's participation in elections.

In his closing speech, a member of the Council of the Libyan Electoral Commission, Rabab Halab, expressed his appreciation for all the efforts made to make the sessions of this conference a success, praising the extent of the cooperation and commitment shown by all.

The Conference was organised by the Libyan National High Electoral Commission in cooperation with the UN Women's Commission, the UN Development Programme, the Arab Network for Women in Elections and the General Union of Libyan Women.

The participants came from Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Bahrain and Comoros.

-0- PANA BY/JSG/BBA/MA 23May2023