Panafrican News Agency

Libya expresses reservations about the Global Agreement on Safe Migration

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Prime Minister Abdulhamid Al-Dbaiba has reaffirmed Libya's reservations regarding the Global Agreement  on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, approved by the 2018 session of the United Nations General Assembly, saying it aims to legitimise illegal migration, mix up the concepts between refugees and migrants and distinguish between countries of port, transit and origin of migration.

In a speech at the second regional conference to review the Global Agreement on safe, orderly and regular migration in the Arab region, held on Wednesday in Cairo, Egypt, Mr Al-Dbaiba spoke of his government's efforts to reduce illegal immigration and coordinate with the regional and European countries involved in developing a strategy to tackle this problem, according to a press release issued by the Libyan government.

He said that Libya will host, on 17 July, the Trans-Mediterranean Forum on Migration, which aims to discuss illegal immigration and launch an initiative to be developed by the countries concerned and based on the principle of respect and cooperation through national laws and policies, as well as the establishment of a strategic framework that strengthens dialogue and cooperation between Africa and Europe.

For his part, the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit stressed the importance of the migration issue and its management within the League of Arab States, given that a number of Arab countries are considered to be transit countries, underlining the need to unify efforts on this issue.

The conference was attended by the Director General of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and the Executive Secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. Other participants were the relevant international and regional organisations and representatives of Arab countries within the League of Arab States.

On the sidelines of the conference, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States received the Libyan Prime Minister with whom he held a bilateral meeting to discuss a number of issues based on supporting local and international efforts to hold parliamentary and presidential elections in accordance with the agreed laws, and activating the League's role in the Libyan political dossier and strengthening cooperation between the League and Libya.

The meeting examined the participation of the institutions of the Libyan government in the activities and events of the League of Arab States, as well as the role of the League in supporting and stabilising Libya in various aspects.

Mr Al-Dbaiba and Mr Aboul Gheit also discussed unifying the Arab position to put an end to Israeli violations in the Gaza Strip, as well as supporting the Palestinian people and providing them with the necessary support.

The Libyan Prime Ministeralso had a telephone conversation on Wednesday evening with his Italian counterpart, Giorgia Meloni, to discuss the Trans-Mediterranean Forum on Migration scheduled for Tripoli, illegal immigration, as well as the establishment of a strategic framework to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between Africa and Europe on this issue.

-0- PANA BY/JSG/BBA/MA 4July2024