Panafrican News Agency

Ethiopia: AU calls for concerted effort to rescue abducted girls

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - The African Union (AU) Monday called for a concerted effort to rescue the over 200 girls who were abducted by Boko Haram terrorists 27 days ago.

''We call on the Nigerian Government, regional organisations, the AU and the international community to join forces to urgently and decisively act to bring the children home to their families and protect them from further danger,'' the Office of the African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson’s Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security said in a statement.

''We stand with the Nigerian people, especially the parents and families of the abducted girls,'' the AU said.

It strongly condemned the ''horrific'' abduction, expressed sympathy to the families of the children, and urge those who are responsible for their abduction to release them unharmed.

''Attacks against the liberty of children and targeting schools are prohibited under international law and cannot be justified under any circumstance. Not on our watch.

''Schools are and must remain places of safety and security, where children can learn and grow in peace. Girls and young women must be allowed to go to school without fear of violence and unjust treatment and exercise their rightful role as equal citizens of the world,'' the AU said.

In a new video released Monday, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau hinted he is willing to exchange the girls for the sect's members who are being detained across the country.

Some of the girls were also shown wearing the full hijab and reciting portions of the Quran.

Foreign experts have arrived in Nigeria to assist the authorities in finding and rescuing the girls.
-0- PANA SEG 12May2014