Panafrican News Agency

Brussels: Ghana urges EU to release 64 million Euros budget support

Brussels, Belgium (PANA) - Ghana's President John Dramani Mahama on Tuesday held discussions in Brussels with the President of the European Commission, Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso, with an appeal for the release of 64 million Euros budget support high on the agenda.

A Ghana government statement after the meeting, which was aimed at deepening relations between Ghana and the European Union, said the president urged the EU to disburse the 64 million Euros multi-donor budget support to Ghana, which had been held back because of some fiscal policy issues.

The statement quoted Mr. Barosso as saying the EU would continue to strengthen its relations with Ghana, and called for a sustained effort to address the country’s short-term fiscal challenges.

Mr. Barroso congratulated President Mahama on his election as the Chair of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), noting that this was good news for West Africa and for the sub-region's relations with the EU.

It said the two leaders discussed the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) being negotiated between the EU and ECOWAS, with President Mahama calling on the European Commission to show flexibility so that trade was not disrupted between Ghana or West Africa and Europe, in the interim.

They also discussed the situation in Mali and EU support in consolidating peace in that country as well as the upcoming elections in Guinea-Bissau.

President Mahama is in Brussels for the EU-Africa summit.
-0- PANA MA 1April2014