Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - The national electricity companies of countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) began a meeting here on Tuesday on strategies for securing electricity supplies, PANA reported. The meeting, attended by the Société nigérienne d'électricité (SNE, Nigerien electricity company), the Energie du Mali SA (EDM) and [...]
©- - 20 february 2024 - 18:44:39 - thread Economy (321 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - Niger decided Saturday to supply diesel to Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad and Togo to meet their energy needs, according to a memorandum of understanding signed in Niamey, an official source said. On Saturday, the energy ministers of Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Togo and Chad met in [...]
©- - 18 february 2024 - 12:56:49 - thread Economy (183 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Mali's ambition is to achieve an electrification rate of 68% by 2023, compared with 57.4% in 2022, and to reach 80% by 2030, according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, following its sectoral review for 2022 in Bamako on Tuesday. Several strategies are also being developed [...]
©- - 22 june 2023 - 18:57:09 - thread Economy (394 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The 66th Executive Board of the Arab Atomic Energy Agency, which opened Monday in Tunis, continued on Tuesday with an agenda focused on several issues including an overview of the Agency's activities and the establishment of an Arab strategy for the civil use of atomic energy [...]
©- - 29 december 2020 - 14:43:22 - thread Economy (182 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The demand in oil products in Tunisia dropped by 52 percent in April, compared with the same period last year due particularly to the measure of general health confinement against the coronavirus (COVID-19) which blocked economic activities and the movement of populations. According to information provided by [...]
©- - 21 may 2020 - 00:00:05 - thread Economy (191 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Tunisia'n Ministry of Energy, Mines and Energy Transition on Monday announced a slight decrease in retail prices of some petroleum products with immediate effect. It said the fall in prices concerns three types of fuel sold in Tunisia.   For unleaded gasoline there a reduction of 30 millimes, which [...]
©- - 07 april 2020 - 13:52:32 - thread Economy (180 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - "The fight against poverty, the quest for daily well-being for our people and the economic prosperity of our States could not succeed without important milestones being set in crucial sectors such as energy," Malian Prime Minister Boubou Cissé said on Tuesday in Bamako, while opening a [...]
©- - 04 march 2020 - 13:23:36 - thread Economy (253 words)

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - Burkina Faso President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré is in Bobo-Dioulasso, regional capital of Hauts Bassins in the west of the country, where on Saturday he will inaugurate the Samendeni dam in Bama  district and the new university campus of Bobo-Dioulasso, an official source told PANA. The [...]
©- - 29 november 2019 - 14:33:49 - thread Economy (159 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA)   -  The 6th meeting of the Regional Committee of Producers, Transporters and Distributors of Electricity (CRPTDE) kicked off here Tuesday to examine the energy difficulties faced by member- countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), an official source told PANA Wednesday. The experts from WAEMU [...]
©- - 27 november 2019 - 23:54:02 - thread Economy (487 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Nouara gas field, located in the Sahara of Tataouine, in southern Tunisia, will start operating at the end of December 2019 instead of October of the same year as initially planned. The Tunisian government relies heavily on this project to reduce by 30% the energy deficit [...]
©- - 19 november 2019 - 17:48:22 - thread Economy (261 words)

Gaborone, Botswana (PANA) - The African Development Bank (AfDB) is gaining ground and making strides in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) energy and regional infrastructure developments and across the continent. President of the Bank, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, says through the support of the African leaders to the African Development Bank [...]
©- - 07 november 2019 - 21:39:43 - thread Economy (1124 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company and the Italian Electricity Transmission Company will sign, on Tuesday, a cooperation agreement in the framework of energy exchange between Tunisia and the European Union. The project, an electricity interconnection between Tunisia and Italy, which power is estimated at 600 megawatts, [...]
©- - 21 october 2019 - 17:57:23 - thread Economy (180 words)

Cairo, Egypt (PANA) - The discovery of significant quantities of gas in Egypt will enable this African country in the Middle East to become one of the world's leading gas exporters, according to participants in the international conference and fair of the Mediterranean Basin countries that opened on Tuesday in [...]
©- - 15 october 2019 - 17:39:20 - thread Economy (278 words)

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire (PANA) - The energy group Engie announced on Tuesday the acquisition of Mobisol, a pioneer in off-grid solar solutions.   This acquisition will enable Engie to expand its decentralized energy supply in Africa. For example, Engie will offer solar home installations in three additional countries, in addition to the [...]
©- - 03 september 2019 - 17:36:22 - thread Economy (357 words)

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (PANA) - The fifth Summit of the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries (GECF) will be held from 25 to 27 November in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, a statement sent to PANA haa announced. This first summit in Africa will be held to present the role and future of gas [...]
©- - 20 august 2019 - 12:58:53 - thread Economy (190 words)

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (PANA)   -   The African Chamber of Energy (ACE) said here Thursday the onshore discovery of an oil field in the Delta de la Cuvette would change the situation for Congo and Africa. The discovery was announced on August 10 by SARPD Oil and PEPA, a Congolese consortium working [...]
©- - 15 august 2019 - 21:04:11 - thread Economy (580 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The Tunisian Prime Minister, Youssef Chahed,  on Wednesday inaugurated a photovoltaic electricity production station ''Tozeur 1'' in Tozeur, and kicked off the start of the realization of ''Tozeur 2' with a capacity of 20 megawatts for a total financial cost of 62 million dinars (20 million [...]
©- - 07 august 2019 - 16:05:41 - thread Economy (447 words)

Abidjan, Côte d 'Ivoire (PANA) - The African Finance Corporation (AFC), the multilateral institution financing infrastructure development in Africa, will finance the US$ 100 million oil exploration project of an oil block of the company, Aker Energy AS, in Ghana, a subsidiary of Norwegian oil group Aker ASA, according to [...]
©- - 16 july 2019 - 16:05:01 - thread Economy (255 words)

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire (PANA) - The African Chamber of Energy (CAE) on Tuesday welcomed the renewal of the mandate of Mohamed Barkindo as the Secretary-General of OPEC. According to the CAE, Secretary-General Barkindo has managed to maintain the unity of OPEC as an organization facing a very unstable period and a [...]
©- - 02 july 2019 - 16:43:34 - thread Economy (256 words)

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire (PANA) - The Ivorian Electricity Company (CIE) recorded a 12% drop in export sales in 2010, at 1078 gigawatts (GWh) compared to the 1225 GWh in 2017.   The CIE explained, in its annual report 2018, presented on Wednesday, at an ordinary general meeting of shareholders, that the decline [...]
©- - 27 june 2019 - 18:29:45 - thread Economy (230 words)

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (PANA) – Africa Oil & Power, an African platform for energy investment and policy, will present the "Man of the Year" award in the African oil sector to Senegalese president Macky Sall at the fourth annual Africa Oil & Power Conference to be held on 9-11 October in [...]
©- - 24 june 2019 - 06:52:57 - thread Economy (398 words)

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (PANA) - Pan-African legal and advisory firm, Centurion Law Group, on Friday announced the acquisition of Africa Counsel GMBH, an Africa-focused energy company specializing in acquisitions and divestitures for the benefit of German companies in the energy sector.   "The acquisition of Africa Counsel complements our energy activities in [...]
©- - 21 june 2019 - 17:18:29 - thread Economy (156 words)

Algiers, Algeria (PANA) - Algeria is moving towards the exploitation of nuclear power for civilian needs as part of a strategic choice, Algerian Energy Minister Mohamed Arkab said on Tuesday, stating that the environmental and health consequences of this choice are studied in a precise way. Speaking during a parliamentary session, [...]
©- - 19 june 2019 - 13:28:07 - thread Economy (244 words)

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (PANA)   -   The African Chamber of Energy (ACE) Monday called on African governments and oil companies to do more to ensure the security of Africa's energy infrastructure, a statement issued and reaching PANA here said. “The ACE notes that oil and gas infrastructure is rapidly becoming a primary [...]
©- - 17 june 2019 - 20:37:41 - thread Economy (656 words)

Algiers, Algeria (PANA) – Algeria’s acting President Abdelkader Bensalah has appointed Rachid Hachichi as Managing Director of the country's oil giant SONATRACH replacing Abdelmomen Ould Kaddour.   Official sources said that Mr Kaddour, previously, production and research director at SONATRACH, headed the company since March 2017. -0- PANA YY/IN/JSG/MSA/AR 24Apr2019 [...]
©- - 24 april 2019 - 11:39:28 - thread Economy (63 words)

Algiers, Algeria (PANA) – Algeria is to build the largest solar power plant in Africa in the Béchar region (1,150 km South of Algiers), Minister of Energy Mustapha Guitouni announced on Tuesday. Guitouni, who was visiting the region, said studies on the 300 megawatts plant had been completed, adding that a [...]
©- - 19 february 2019 - 21:21:05 - thread Economy (118 words)

Maputo, Mozambique (PANA) - Mozambique says it has another step towards its 2025 vision for gas and power development by merging its ministries of Resources and Energy, according to a press statement, received by PANA here Tuesday. With exports of liquefied natural gas projects scheduled to start in 2019, Mozambique [...]
©- - 24 march 2015 - 14:14:12 - thread Economy (287 words)