Cotonou, Benin (PANA) - Benin inaugurated on Tuesday in illoulofin, a locality in the commune of Pobè (South-East), its first photovoltaic solar power plant with a capacity of 25 MWp worth a total of nearly 40 billion CFA francs (60.5 million euros). This DEFISSOL project is co-financed to the tune of [...]
©- - 20 july 2022 - 15:20:15 - thread Environment (262 words)

Cape Town, South Africa (PANA) – Climate envoys from the European Union on Monday arrived in South Africa to address the feasibility of implementing a coal retirement plan ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November. The trip has been convened by the British High Commission and [...]
©- - 27 september 2021 - 18:44:00 - thread Environment (136 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Officials of Rwanda and DR Congo on Thursday agreed to start concrete action on a joint exploitation of methane gas deposits in Lake Kivu  and the development of these resources, with the  aim of producing energy for the people of both countries.   According to the deal signed [...]
©- - 05 march 2020 - 18:14:19 - thread Environment (245 words)

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (PANA)   -   The international environmental organization against climate change,, initiated Saturday, on the occasion of Africa Day - Afrika Vuka! -  actions to mobilize in 20 African countries against fossil fuels and to advocate climate justice. Regional Team Leader Landry Ninteretse noted in a statement that [...]
©- - 25 may 2019 - 15:08:45 - thread Environment (436 words)

  Nairobi, Kenya (PANA) – Kenyan banks are currently lending to businesses and start ups seeking to improve the environment and has created a green bond programme to accelerate access to the capital markets, Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) CEO Habil Olaka said here Tuesday.   Olaka said the bankers’ body has introduced its [...]
©- - 12 march 2019 - 22:19:49 - thread Environment (392 words)