Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - France's retreat from Africa, which was its preserve by virtue as a former colonial power, is no longer evident, as illustrated by Burkina Faso's recent request for the departure of French soldiers from its territory. It joined the cohort of African countries that have formalised their divorce [...]
©- - 03 february 2023 - 15:18:05 - thread Press Review (657 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The development of human resources remains a pressing issue in Libyan institutions that face major challenges in promoting the skills of their staff by acquiring the necessary techniques to keep up with the accelerated pace of the information and communication technology revolution, the Libyan newspaper "Alsabaah" [...]
©- - 29 december 2022 - 19:34:42 - thread Press Review (339 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The former Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General in Libya, Stephanie Williams, has reiterated that elections will not produce a miracle and will not solve everything in Libya. However, she stressed there is no military solution to the current crisis in the country, the Libyan newspaper, [...]
©- - 12 november 2022 - 13:12:21 - thread Press Review (815 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Libya has since the revolution of 17 February 2011,  become a breeding ground for drug trafficking. It has been transformed by drug traffickers into a transitional zone, taking advantage of the collapse of the security situation and state bodies, said the Libyan newspaper "Al-Wasat", citing the incredible [...]
©- - 26 february 2022 - 17:12:20 - thread Press Review (566 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - As the Libyan Political Forum under the aegis of the UN in Geneva approaches, Libyan newspapers have taken interest in the apprehensions among Libyans whose feelings are divided between fear and optimism. The Libyan press this week also echoed the resumption of oil production looking at its [...]
©- - 10 october 2020 - 18:52:43 - thread Press Review (1069 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Libyan Political Forum scheduled for early October in Geneva, Switzerland, under the auspices of the United Nations, to form a national unity government in Libya was widely covered by Libyan newspapers this week. The media also highlighted the resumption of meetings in Bouznika, Morocco, which could [...]
©- - 26 september 2020 - 18:22:56 - thread Press Review (717 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwandan media headlines were dominated this week by the the first appearance in court of the hero of 'Hotel Rwanda' movie, Paul Rusesabagina, for his pre-trial detention. The private newspaper, 'Taarifa', wrote that Rusesabagina, 66, arrived at Nyarugenge high court in Kigali city in signature pink rose [...]
©- - 26 september 2020 - 17:07:20 - thread Press Review (679 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA ) -  Rwandan newspapers this week focused on the second postponement of the quadripartite summit that was slated to take place in Goma, a city in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), bringing together heads of state from Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and host country DR Congo [...]
©- - 19 september 2020 - 12:14:37 - thread Press Review (607 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) -  The alleged 'kidnapping' in Dubai of Paul Rusesabagina, a controversial hero in the famous 'Hotel Rwanda' movie earlier this week and the reaction by senior Rwandan authorities were some of the stories highlighted by Rwandan newspapers this week. The English daily - The New Times - wrote [...]
©- - 12 september 2020 - 16:55:02 - thread Press Review (781 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwandan newspapers this week highlighted the repatriation of some 471 Burundian refugees who returned home after spending almost five years living in Mahama Camp, one of the largest camps located in south eastern Rwanda. The dailies also assessed what they described as "hate speech", referring to latest [...]
©- - 29 august 2020 - 16:22:02 - thread Press Review (806 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA ) -  Rwanda newspapers this week gave significant coverage to the controversies surrounding the UN Mapping Report on Congo, an official source told PANA here Saturday. Nobel peace laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege has been referring to negative propaganda targeting Rwanda over recent months. The media became especially interested in [...]
©- - 22 august 2020 - 16:40:25 - thread Press Review (741 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwandan newspapers this week focused on the ongoing talks to organise voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees in Rwanda and an allegation by a deported Rwandan terror suspect who told a court that Zambian President Edgar Lungu allowed insurgents space to operate in his country to overthrow [...]
©- - 15 august 2020 - 13:21:42 - thread Press Review (649 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - A series of public health responses to cope with the consequences of coronavirus (COVID-19) dominated the Rwandan media this week. The newspapers also commented largely on the new measures aimed at preventing further spread of the disease, and minimize loss of lives across member- countries of the [...]
©- - 08 august 2020 - 17:50:58 - thread Press Review (744 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwandan newspapers this week gave wide coverage to ongoing efforts to ease COVID-19 lockdown measures  especially with a recent announcement by one German biomedical institute which declared Rwanda as no longer a Covid-19 risk area. The English daily, 'The New Times', reported that Germany’s renowned Robert Koch [...]
©- - 20 june 2020 - 15:02:12 - thread Press Review (744 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - High-level discussions to fight coronavirus including the latest conversation between Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, dominated the front pages of newspapers this week in Rwanda. Under headline "Kagame, Indian PM Modi discuss COVID-19 crisis," the English daily 'The New Times' reported that [...]
©- - 06 june 2020 - 18:57:53 - thread Press Review (831 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwandan newspapers this week focused on current research actions related to COVID-19 and outbreaks with one of the ongoing effort aimed at turning  laboratories that normally test for HIV to test COVID-19 patients. In addition to these innovations, the newspaper also gave a wide coverage of other [...]
©- - 09 may 2020 - 17:19:51 - thread Press Review (728 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwandan newspapers this week were awash with stories and comments on the recorded new cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus), which have been attributed to cross-border movement by truck drivers. The semi-private English daily 'KT Press' reported that cross-border truck drivers, especially from Tanzania and Kenya, have been cited [...]
©- - 25 april 2020 - 10:46:31 - thread Press Review (407 words)

Lomé, Togo (PANA) - News about the coronavirus pandemic and the challenge of results of the 22 February presidential election by opposition leader Agbéyomé Kodjo were highlighted by Togolese newspapers last week. The virus, which is much feared in the Togolese capital, is nevertheless the subject of little comment. Togo has [...]
©- - 15 march 2020 - 15:31:07 - thread Press Review (454 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) -  Rwandan newspapers this week were awash with stories and comments on the appointment of new ministers in a cabinet reshuffle that concerned the Health and Education portfolios. The papers also focused on the speech by Rwandan President Paul Kagame at the  swearing-in ceremony of eight new ministers [...]
©- - 29 february 2020 - 13:49:13 - thread Press Review (824 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwandan newspapers this week commented on the fourth quadripartite summit between the Heads of State of Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Rwanda to address the root cause of current tensions and conflict between Kampala and Kigali. The summit was held at Gatuna border between Uganda [...]
©- - 22 february 2020 - 12:36:35 - thread Press Review (636 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Libyan newspapers this week gave wide coverage to the UN Security Council session which adopted a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Libya "without condition". They also looked into the attitudes of the two superpowers, the United States and Russia, towards this resolution.   The Libyan press also reported [...]
©- - 15 february 2020 - 17:03:47 - thread Press Review (1141 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA)  -  Libyan newspapers this week focused on the resumption of the political dialogue scheduled in Geneva on February 26, the ceasefire monitoring mechanisms in the face of European divisions and the enthusiasm of African countries to deploy observers. The Libyan press also examined the living conditions of Libyans [...]
©- - 08 february 2020 - 19:17:49 - thread Press Review (1139 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA)  -  Libyan newspapers appearing this week focused on difficulties in implementing the commitments of the Berlin Conference. Their concerns relate to delays in the launch of the political process in Geneva and on efforts deployed at regional level to avoid a regional military confrontation in Libya between regional [...]
©- - 01 february 2020 - 20:33:50 - thread Press Review (1097 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwandan newspapers this week made a wide coverage of the latest shooting incident where a Ugandan national was shot by Rwanda security agents after he and two others were intercepted smuggling narcotic and illicit drugs into the country. The Rwandan press also focus on the reactions of [...]
©- - 25 january 2020 - 18:12:28 - thread Press Review (546 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - The latest release earlier this week of nine Rwandans from Ugandan detention facilities dominated headlines in Rwandan newspapers this week as a major step to normalizing ties between the two countries . The Rwandan press also commented on how many of these Rwandans were kept in a [...]
©- - 11 january 2020 - 21:33:57 - thread Press Review (632 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Libyan newspapers this week focused on the effects of Turkey's support for the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) against the background of incessant postponements of the International Berlin Conference which is intended to find a political solution through the harmonization of the position of the [...]
©- - 04 january 2020 - 17:44:26 - thread Press Review (701 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) -Demolition of small residential houses and shops built in high risk zones of Kigali and its surroundings, in a move authorities say is aimed at protecting residents from dire consequences of heavy rains, dominated Rwandan dailies  this week. According to the relocation policy, only people who own property [...]
©- - 21 december 2019 - 19:23:21 - thread Press Review (570 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The fierce competition between certain European countries, including Germany, France and Italy, to consolidate their presence in Libya, on the one hand and Russia against Europe, on the other hand, was the main subject covered by the Libyan newspapers this week, alongside the United Nations reports [...]
©- - 15 december 2019 - 08:36:59 - thread Press Review (892 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA)  -  Rwandan newspapers this week focused on the latest wave of arrests of Rwandans inside Uganda and unlawful deportations over allegations of  violating the Luanda Agreement signed in August, this year,  to ease tension between the two countries. "As Uganda works to derail the Luanda Agreement in real [...]
©- - 30 november 2019 - 11:38:06 - thread Press Review (699 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Berlin International Conference on Libya to find a solution to the Libyan crisis continues to top the news in Libya. Also attracting coverage is the call by the United States to Marshal Khalifa Haftar, head of the Libyan National Army (LNA), to end his current offensive [...]
©- - 16 november 2019 - 18:44:17 - thread Press Review (505 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Preparations for an international conference on Libya scheduled for next autumn in the German capital, Berlin, under the UN supervision, were highlighted by Libyan newspapers this week.  The Libyan press also reported the controversy over the naming of 11 new ambassadors by the president of the Presidential [...]
©- - 21 september 2019 - 18:33:36 - thread Press Review (501 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Efforts to find a solution to the crisis in Libya continue to dominate newspaper headlines that echoed regional initiatives for a settlement, as well as the plan proposed by the United Nations Emissary, Ghassan Salamé, who briefed the Security Council on the situation in this North [...]
©- - 07 september 2019 - 19:21:09 - thread Press Review (958 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The fighting in Tripoli continues to dominate the news in Libya with newspapers focusing for the fourth consecutive week on the clashes. The newspapers highlighted the meeting of some Members of Parliament in Tripoli who condemned the offensive against the Libyan capital as well as the role [...]
©- - 05 may 2019 - 16:28:08 - thread Press Review (572 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - The slow and controlled movement of goods and people across Rwanda's border with Uganda dominated the media this week. Following recent arbitrary arrests and deportations of Rwandese nationals in Uganda, the English daily newspaper, The New Times, in its lead story on Saturday with the headline "Three [...]
©- - 31 march 2019 - 16:09:01 - thread Press Review (321 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The main Libyan newspapers this week have given wide coverage to the announcement of the date for the inclusive national conference under the auspices of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) paving the way for the  chance to achieve a political settlement of the [...]
©- - 24 march 2019 - 09:58:58 - thread Press Review (1113 words)

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The ceasefire agreement reached recently between the warring parties in southern Tripoli, and the Action Plan of the UN Special Envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salamé, were the major stories in Libya this week. According to the papers, the strength and effectiveness of the agreement were put to [...]
©- - 27 january 2019 - 15:00:46 - thread Press Review (807 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - The Mauritian media this week criticised the Government of Mauritius for its silence in the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, early this month. The daily ''Le Defi'' reported that no press statement has been issued the government on the [...]
©- - 27 october 2018 - 11:51:30 - thread Press Review (378 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - Sunday papers in Nigeria are awash with stories on the release, on Saturday, of 82 Chibok girls from the lot abducted on 14 April, 2014, by the Islamist terrorist group, Boko Haram. The latest figure brings to 103 the number of Chibok girls released so far from [...]
©- - 07 may 2017 - 08:47:26 - thread Press Review (765 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - President Muhammadu Buhari's directive on Friday to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to establish the scope of the culpability of some retired and serving high-ranking Army and Air Force officers dominated newspaper front pages in Nigeria this week. The officers include the immediate past Chief [...]
©- - 16 january 2016 - 07:37:00 - thread Press Review (1401 words)

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - Sudanese daily newspapers Friday fed heavily on a statement by the Foreign Minister, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, that his country’s relations with the US have witnessed some overture. But Ghandour was later to express pessimism that an all-out lifting of sanctions, unilaterally imposed on Khartoum, would go away [...]
©- - 16 january 2016 - 06:42:07 - thread Press Review (536 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - The outbreak of Lassa fever, an acute viral hemorrhagic fever caused by the Lassa virus that has resulted in the death of many victims, dominated newspaper front pages in Nigeria this week. Lassa fever or Lassa hemorrhagic fever (LHF) was first detected in 1969 in the town [...]
©- - 09 january 2016 - 07:20:37 - thread Press Review (804 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - President Muhammadu Buhari's 2016 budget of 6.08 trillion naira (about US$ 30.4 billion), unveiled on Tuesday, and his declaration that the Boko Haram insurgency has been "technically" defeated were the major stories in Nigeria this week. Addressing a joint session of the National Assembly (the Senate and [...]
©- - 26 december 2015 - 08:25:08 - thread Press Review (1252 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - Government's warning on Friday that the dreaded Boko Haram insurgents were planning fresh abductions of pupils, students and foreigners overshadowed all other stories in Nigeria this week. "The kidnap of the Chibok girls in 2014, which attracted global attention to the terrorist group, is what it is [...]
©- - 19 december 2015 - 07:23:36 - thread Press Review (610 words)

Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Mauritius' Good Governance and Integrity Bill, tabled before Parliament a fortnight ago, continued to spark a hot debate in the country's media this week. The media gave a lot of space to reactions and comments from politicians on the bill seeking to tackle “unexplained wealth” in [...]
©- - 14 november 2015 - 08:57:40 - thread Press Review (465 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - The "war of words" in the Super Eagles camp in Belgium, involving Coash Sunday Oliseh and Captain Vincent Enyama, was the dominant story in Nigeria this week. The VANGUARD, with the headline "Oliseh, Enyeama at each other’s throat in Belgium", reported that the Super Eagles camp in [...]
©- - 10 october 2015 - 08:36:51 - thread Press Review (540 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - The sudden surrender of more than 200 Boko Haram terrorists, the hajj stampede in Saudi Arabia which resulted in the death of many Islamic faithfuls and the corruption trial of Bukola Saraki, the nation's number three citizen and President of the Senate, were the major stories [...]
©- - 26 september 2015 - 09:00:00 - thread Press Review (2112 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - President Muhammadu Buhari's first 100 days in office, the raging war against Boko Haram and Corruption were the major stories in Nigeria this week. The first 100 days in office are usually when many politicians, newly inaugurated in office, take stock of their achievements or failures. [...]
©- - 12 september 2015 - 08:11:32 - thread Press Review (3099 words)

Port-Louis, Mauritius (PANA) – The projected power problems in Mauritius, as predicted by the World Bank, was the major story in the Mauritian media this week. The World Bank, said in a report, that a major blackout will be experienced in Mauritius in 2016. However, Energy and Public Utilities Minister Ivan Collendavelloo, [...]
©- - 15 august 2015 - 10:53:06 - thread Press Review (496 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - This week's visit to the US by President Muhammadu Buhari and his declaration on the war against insecurity and corruption were the main stories in Nigeria this week. President Buhari left Abuja last Sunday on a four-day official visit to the US where he held high-level talks [...]
©- - 25 july 2015 - 10:35:54 - thread Press Review (1712 words)

Lagos, Nigeria (PANA) - The Nigerian media are awash with stories from the National Assembly, particularly the lower chamber (House of Representatives), where pandemonium broke out this week with lawmakers exchanging blows in manners that painted them as "dishonourable". The fight is over the rebellion ignited by the Speaker Yakubu Dogara [...]
©- - 27 june 2015 - 07:19:36 - thread Press Review (953 words)